Monday, December 29, 2008

This is new to me...

I'm finding myself in need of an outlet, a way to tell the story not just of my life - but of the life of my daughter. To maintain some anonymity, she will always be referred to as SoBee. (I promise you, that's not her real name!)

In the upcoming posts, I will backdate to May of 2007, where our story begins. How I, a 28 year old woman unsure of whether I even wanted any children, became the mother to a daughter with Down Syndrome and would do it all over a million times to get the same result.


  1. Great intro!! Hugs and lots of luck getting the time to write with the little busy cutie around. (Hub mentions how cute she is regularly. haha)

  2. Thanks - she is challenging me at the moment... I honestly thought she'd sleep for longer than 20 minutes!
